Trauma Competent Caregiver Module 6

This course will guide participants through the Seven Essential Skills as we discuss traditional parenting vs parenting children who come from hard places. Participants will discuss reasons for misbehavior and steps to begin to repair the rupture.

In module six, participants will be able to recognize how childhood traumatic stress is exacerbated by ongoing stressors in a child’s life.

Meets Required Topic: Trauma; Behavior Support and Management; or Elective

Location: **This class is a webinar that is attended remotely. Access to a telephone and a computer with access to the internet, webcam and microphone are required to participate in this class.**

**If you have not received a link to access the webinar at least one hour prior to the webinar beginning, please contact FOY.**



12:00 pm - 2:00 pm


Links will be emailed out at least one hour prior to each class, West Chester


Bookings are closed for this event.