Join us for November’s foster parent meeting! Foster Parent meetings are designed to be a time of training, connecting with other Focus on Youth foster parents, and sharing a meal together.

Many children with prenatal exposure struggle with ADHD and emotional regulation, and there are more likely to struggle adjusting to the structures of preschool and school. We’ll look at the research surrounding symptoms and diagnoses as well as ways to advocate for your child throughout the school years. The training will also include an overview of special education terms and procedures that will help any parent advocate for a struggling child.

Meets Required Topic: Child Development, Elective

**If you need childcare for your foster children at this meeting, please note their first names and ages in the comment section when you register.**



6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Northeast Church of Christ
12020 Southwick Ln, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45241


Bookings are closed for this event.