Join us for our April foster parent meeting! Foster Parent meetings are designed to be a time of training, connecting with other Focus on Youth foster parents, and sharing a meal together.

This workshop will look at and explain ways to prevent childhood sexual abuse. Participants will learn to recognize signs of sexual abuse. This workshop is designed to give proactive steps to protect children from sexual abuse. The participants will be able to identify the facts and risk factors of child sexual abuse, describe how child sexual abuse occurs and strategies for prevention and recognize the signs of child sexual abuse.

Meets Required Topic: Sexual Abuse, Trauma, or Elective

**If you need childcare for your foster children at this meeting, please note their first names and ages in the comment section when you register.**



6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Northeast Church of Christ
12020 Southwick Ln, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45241



Registration Information

By registering for this event, you consent to receive communications regarding the event. These communications may include emails, text messages, or phone calls to inform you of any event-related updates or changes.

Also, by registering for this event, you consent to be photographed and recorded. These images and recordings may be used for social media and marketing purposes. If you do not wish to be photographed, please inform the event organizers.

Booking Summary

x FOY Foster Parent
Total Price