Join us for August foster parent meeting! Foster Parent meetings are designed to be a time of training, connecting with other Focus on Youth foster parents, and sharing a meal together.

Sensory Processing sensitivities may arise in children when experiencing a change of environment, routine, trauma, and heightened emotional period of time. This training covers competencies in subjects above to define and promote a healthy transition and well-being of the child and family involved throughout each step of the foster care and adoption process. This training session provides educational and engaging opportunities for foster and adoptive parents to become knowledgeable about various types of sensory processing disorders, manage episodes of behaviors caused by increased or decreased environmental stimulation, and participate in hands-on activities in preparation for deterring negative behaviors during future at-risk scenarios.

Meets Required Topic: Child Development, Elective

**If you need childcare for your foster children at this meeting, please note their first names and ages in the comment section when you register.**



6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Northeast Church of Christ
12020 Southwick Ln, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45241


Bookings are closed for this event.