Trauma Competent Caregiver Module 7

Through this course participants will be able to understand two foundational principles; the impact of psychological presence and a child’s essential connections. This information will help participants understand the impact of loss on a child’s emotional and psychological development, as well. Participants will know how to talk to a child about the significant people in a child’s life and understand how to prepare a child prior to a birth family visit and know how to support the child after they return.

Meets Required Topic: Trauma; Child Development; Behavior Support and Management; or Elective

Location: Zoom




6:00 pm - 8:00 pm



Ticket Type Price Spaces
FOY Foster Parent $0.00
FOY Staff $0.00
Outside Attendee $35.00
CEUs $40.00

Registration Information

I need Social Work CEUs
I need Counselor CEUs


Booking Summary

Please select at least one space to proceed with your booking.