We couldn’t fulfill our mission without the support of donors and sponsors. Please think about the needs of youth and families in southwest Ohio as you consider what level of sponsorship or custom donation is right for you. Sponsors will receive acknowledgement based on their level:

  • Ally Sponsorship – $150
    This covers admission for 1 participant admission. Ally sponsors will be recognized in print signage and flyers at the event.
  • Advocate Sponsorship – $250
    This covers admission for up to 5 participants. Advocate sponsors will be recognized in print signage and flyers at the event.
  • CARE Sponsorship – $500
    This covers admission for up to 10 participants. CARE sponsors will be recognized in print signage and flyers at the event.
  • Gold Sponsorship – $1,000
    This covers admission for up to 15 participants. Gold sponsors will be recognized in print signage and flyers at the event, on social media leading up to the event, and have a table runners can visit at the event.

If you would like to go back to the main 5k page, click here.

$25 of $20,000 raised
Personal Info

Donation Total: $150.00